Easter between Egypt and Slovakia (in photos)
Easter Egypt Funny Slovakia Vianoce
Egypt -------- The Egyptian Easter celebration is called Sham Ennessim Sham Ennessim is an Egyptian national holiday marking the beginning of spring. It is celebrated one day after the Eastern Christian Easter (following the custom of the largest Christian denomination in the country, the Coptic Orthodox Church). The holiday is celebrated by Egyptians of all religions, so it is considered a national festival, rather than a religious one. Sham ennessim in Egypt is mostly connected by Eating Fesikh and Ringa. Fesikh is fermented, salted and dried gray mullet and Ringa is smoked herring. The Sham ennessim table have also lettuce, scallions or green...
Learning more about our products - Videos
To learn more about our products we have made short demonstration videos available on our YouTube channel. Here are some examples of our unique Egyptian wooden products. 3 fish platter Hamsa platter Carved Turtle box Small duck decor and jewelry holder 4 fish platter
Grape harvest in Budmerice
budmerice grapes Holiday reviews Slovakia Slovensko trnava
A nice memorable day with friends and family in Budmerice. Grape harvest and enjoying Slovak Goulash. Goulash
A day in Trnava!
Market Slovakia Slovensko Summer Trnava Weekend
This month is full of carnivals and traditional markets in Slovakia. I visited Trnava to enjoy the atmosphere of the special Trnava traditional market. I've put some photos and short videos from my walk and made this small video summary.
Thanks to our customers!
blog etsy reviews testimonials
in 2017 we launched our shop on Etsy. It is great to distribute our Egyptian products to handmade lovers worldwide. It is always fantastic to touch our customers' appreciation from their messages and reviews. Our journey with Omar Handmade started with Etsy and we started this website to connect with you more and offer you a better service. You may visit our Etsy shop & read what our customers think about our products Regards, Omar